Menuju ke Namtok Ron dengan private songthaew. Lebih kurang 12 km dari Krabi town. Sepanjang perjalanan chit-chat pasal business plan wi...

Saturday, January 25, 2014 Die Zehn 0 Comments

Menuju ke Namtok Ron dengan private songthaew. Lebih kurang 12 km dari Krabi town. Sepanjang perjalanan chit-chat pasal business plan with strangers.

Path ke Namtok Ron. Nampaknya kitorang lalu route yg secluded.

Warm natural pool. Sekitar 38 C. Sometime quite crowded with Local.

Namtok Ron or Hot Spring Waterfall in English. There were few 'tub' with running spring water.

Bermalas-malasan dalam warm water sambil memerhatikan tree crown.

Refreshing cool water river dekat bahagian bawah hot spring waterfall. Walaupun color dia nampak tak mengujakan tapi its quite temptation, feel like mandi sungai di kampung.

Some of natural spring has diverted to here to create spacious man-made bathing pool. This pool lebih panas maybe because exposing to direct sunlight. tak ada shading. Tu yang tak berapa ramai.

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