Read My Mind - Merayau di Kyoto Part 1
Nippon no Yūgata means an evening in Japan..
Kesempatan ke Jepun tempoh hari still memorize till now.. salah satu aktiviti yang aku rasa interesting kt sana adalah light show..
First evening in Japan, decided to brave the queue and head out see the Hanatouro dekat Kyoto.. Travel time Arashiyama from Osaka about 35 min.. this time travel using Hankyu train.. masa nak beli tiket nie la aku rase paling terseksa.. first time beli tiket dkt auto machine yg instruction dia nihongo jer.. jenuh aku belek-belek, tekan-tekan tapi langsung tak paham ape yg berlaku.. tiket tak keluar-keluar gak.. mmng bnyak buang masa time tu.. what i realize nak beli tiket intra-city nie lebih complicated compared with intercity subway.. travel guna Hankyu kne tukar train dekat Katsura.. Ada special train yang akan bawak ke station Arashiyama..
Arashiyama is a touristy spot in the outskirt of Kyoto.. well known for its natural settings especially bamboo groove and riverside.. Frequently visitor akan pergi Arashiyama during daytime but every December mmng ada special event yg mana boleh experience illumination on evening..
Nie la map yang guide my Hanatouro walking course
Aku starting dekat point ‘A’ with is Hankyu Arashiyama Station towards point ‘4’.. continue to point ‘7’ and come back to point ‘A’..
Welcoming atmosphere at vintage station of Hankyu Arashiyama
station also decorated with Illumination theme